Examples of Things That Can Be Added To Your Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of all those things that you would like to experience while you still can. It represents your deepest desires and wishes that you would like to fulfill before you die. It is important to make this list as soon as possible to gain some focus and direction in life and make living more worthwhile. Given below are some of the examples of all the crazy things you might want to include in your list.


This is probably the most exciting thing that can be added to your bucket list of things to do. There is nothing more exciting than visiting new places, exploring different cultures, and meeting new people and learning about their way of life. The most refreshing thing to do is to take a break, go on a vacation, and visit the most exciting and amazing places in the world.

Learn something

There is nothing that keeps you more young and vibrant than having a passion for learning something new. This is an absolute must and should have a place amongst your crazy bucket list ideas. It is the only thing that keeps your brain cells active and functional. It might be learning a language, a sport, or a hobby like gardening. Anything that brings out the spark in your eyes and makes you eagerly look forward to it.

Explore new avenues in your career

Nobody is made for just one type of thing in the world. You might have numerous other hidden talents which you never got a chance to hone because of family pressures or financial pressure. It is never too late to make a change, to recognize that you are made for a different purpose. Quit your job, do something that you love or always wanted to do. This will make your life more fulfilling and your hard-earned money more worth the effort.

Take care of your health

This should top your crazy bucket list ideas, because if you don’t have health, you can’t do much else with any amount of time or money in your hands. Take care of yourself, exercise, lose a little weight, do some yoga, go running or swimming or cycling. You can do this with your spouse or a friend to make these sessions more meaningful and enjoyable. Doing this gives a sense of self-worth that is incomparable.

Take up an adventurous sport

Physical achievement is definitely more satisfying than mental achievement. It gives a sense of strength and belief in one’s abilities to move mountains. Learn and do something crazy like archery, ice skating, kayaking, scuba diving, snorkeling, or wakeboarding. There is no feeling greater than knowing that you have done something wild and crazy.

Go trekking

There are a number of beautiful places around the world ideal for trekking. So take out your trekking gear that you have kept locked for ages and go on a trekking trip with your loved ones. The best trails can be found in South America.