Guide On Bucket List Ideas for Couple

Couple – a cute name for two people together in love or romantically together, and being a couple, you must have been doing a lot many romantic, crazy, adventurous, and all sorts of things. If you are new to this chapter of life, then you must be making plans to do all the above, right? So, have you made anything as a Bucket List? No, then it is time to do so, as time is running, you may or may not have the same enthusiasm later, so see if any of your “Couple ideas” befit in the list that we have for you:

1.    Explore your hometown or any favorite place:

This point could be for sure lying in one of your bucket list ideas. So, why not make the trip plan real. Book the tickets right away for yours or your spouse’s hometown, enjoy the places around. Get to know the place where each other were brought up, bring back the old memories – share and talk about them. Doesn’t it already sound romantic!

2.    Take a class (art/dance/music):

Oh! Those busy schedules! Erase yours and your spouse’s calendar for an entire week or two. Enroll for a dance or art or music class. If you have not enrolled for fun, you must for sure, because it is totally a different and an unique experience to share a common interest and to grow in that together. After the class is over, you can practice it on the way back home or at your abode for a change.

3.    Plan a trip (globe-trotting):

Have always been stuck to the same place, and miss roaming around and going to new places? You are not alone! Erase the frown, pick a place, call a travel agent, book the tickets. Before that, together, get to know the place you want to visit, research, this increases the excitement of going to the place and having fun there.

4.    Watch a series of movies (entire day and night):

Do you take time out only during holidays or Valentine’s Day to spend that “romantic moment”. Come out of the routine, pick a day – both of you, leave a reason for absence at your work, and get into your pajamas, prepare a tub full of pop corn, take a good collection of movies or TV shows, anything of your common interest, and just become a couch potato for the entire day! Sounds lazy, right! Yet, it is romantic to snuggle in the blanket with your dear one and watching flicks. Try it and you will know it!

5.    Gift each other a spa treatment

Both of you belong to the full-calendar guys, then you must badly need a break and might be a good massage too. I see smiles!! Go to the nearest spa together, get the experience of the wonderful massage and relax all your muscles. This sounds good, but it will get better, when you learn the massage – and give it to each other. Before that write it in your bucket list ideas book.

After writing a small guide for you all, even I want to create a bucket list for myself and my dear one!

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